Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I am outta here!

It has been 10 months and I am finally taking a trip back home.  i can't wait to see all of you.  I am flying to Bangkok today for two nights check in with the dentist and doctors.  Got to get at least one of those a year.  I am then flying straight into AZ to meet dad, brother, and fam for another Jesse's wedding.  From there it is NM then NY the PA then NM and back to Timor.  It will be a quick three weeks no doubt.  I hope to see you along the way.  paz


Jesse Shapiro
IDP Technical Support & Service Advisor
Direccao Nacional Aguas e Sanemento (DNAS) Timor Leste and
Oxfam Australia
flipflop...not a shoe...a lifestyle.