I’m back. Sarah and I moved into a new house. It is a bit smaller than our last place which is a good thing. Our new place is perfect for the two of us with no wasted space. We had some significant upgrades in lifestyle as well. We have a hot water shower now which I is nicer than I originally thought. We also share the building with a Timorese family that owns the rental so we have our own Timorese security detail. The location is also great and I have only a 2 minute commute to work each day.
The election is coming up and is only a couple days away now on the 30th. It is still highly contested with a couple possible outcomes. Security has been ok although there seems to be an increase in violence in some parts of the country causing some new IDP camps to form. One in Dili although the people came from out of town and one in Ermera district. Life in Dili is calm and fairly normal.
Work is good and I am settling into my new position. It interesting to be involved directly with the processes that affect so many. The vulnerabilities and complications of the government are not simple. For now I am trying to patient and learn as much as possible.
Jesse Shapiro
IDP Technical Support & Service Advisor to
Direccao Nacional Aguas e Sanemento (DNAS) Timor Leste
Oxfam Australia
(+670) 732-6275